Service overview

Tools for testing conformance

Here, we outline the tools available on the Truugo portal for testing that structured data complies to the relevant standard or specification.

To learn about our value-added services for automating testing and quality assurance and offering a self-test tool for trading partners, please see validation channels.


The Validator, located on the user's home view, is for testing a file against a chosen test profile. It provides a built-in editor for making necessary adjustments to evaluate the effectiveness of your fixes.

It returns a detailed test report as an instant feedback for each test.

See Validator examples.

Quality Assurance

The Quality Assurance tool streamlines the process of testing a batch of files against a chosen test profile. This tool provides the similar functionality as the get-status and get-report endpoints of the Validation API.

The get-status query provides a code indicating the file's conformance to the chosen test profile, and the get-report query returns the test report. The intended workflow involves running get-status for all files and get-report exclusively for those with errors.


The EDIFACT Browser offers an intuitive interface for navigating EDIFACT files, including descriptions for segments, elements, and codes. It also conducts a holistic assessment to confirm adherence to the EDIFACT standard and offers insights into detected errors. Additionally, the tool provides a built-in file editor to assess the effectiveness of your fixes.

Learn more about the EDIFACT Browser.

XML Editor

The XML Editor provides a user-friendly platform for editing XML and conducting basic checks. It facilitates verification of XML syntax and checking conformance to the chosen XSD or DTD file.

Both the XML Editor and the EDIFACT Browser have the same function from the validation perspective. In case of anomalies, both help you to decide whether those are fundamental errors or issues stemming from case-specific requirements.

Next article: Reporting issues