Yearly costs of EDI testing and documentation
Calculate your savings when using Truugo
Guideline updates per year
The number of new guidelines plus updates to existing message guidelines per year. In case there are 5 guidelines, each updated twice a year, there are in total 10 guideline updates per year.
Work hours per guideline update
Work hours spent per case on updating the guideline and all the related materials (message samples, mapping templates, etc). It takes time to ensure that all materials stay fully-aligned.
Savings with Truugo
Resources saved using Truugo Subset Editor for auto-generating message documentation, validator and related materials from the same source code.
Production issues
Production issues per year
Work hours per production issue
The total working hours spent on average for solving an issue (detect, locate, report, fix, test) on all levels (business + help desk + IT).
Savings with Truugo
A major part of production issues can be omitted by using Truugo in the deployment phase. The rest can be solved quickly by automating error reporting with Truugo API.
Deployments per year
Work hours per deployment
Own resources spent per deployment including testing, support, and internal/bilateral status meetings.
Savings with Truugo
Resources saved by providing a self-test solution (Test form) for trading partners or by using Truugo as a shared solution to automate testing and reporting tasks. This minimizes the need for bilateral testing, support and status meetings.
Quality assurance
QA cases per year
The number of changes/updates to message formats and systems per year.
Work hours per QA case
Own resources spent per QA case especially for regression testing.
Savings with Truugo
Resources saved by automating the testing and test reporting using Truugo API. Use Truugo especially for cases where you must ensure that your system generates valid output (messages) after each update
Costs without Truugo
Work days used per year
The total work hours converted into 8-hour work days.
Cost per working hour
The average cost per working hour including side costs. This is usually around 1.5 * hourly wage.
Total costs per year
The total work hours multiplied by the cost per working hour.
Savings with Truugo
Work days saved per year
The total of saved work hours converted into 8-hour work days.
Total savings per year
The total of saved work hours multiplied by the cost per working hour.
Added revenues using Truugo
Number of deployments per year
The number of deployments per year (the same values as provided above)
Lead time per deployment
The latency between the initiation and completion of a deployment process.
Business value per day
The money earned (or saved) per day per integration once it has been moved to production.
Shorter lead time with Truugo
The calendar time saved by providing a self-test solution (Test form) for trading partners or by using Truugo as a shared solution to automate testing and reporting tasks."
Added revenues per year
Added revenues (or cost savings) gained by speeding up the deployment process.
See other benefits on the Team license page.