Costs of solving issues

Calculate your savings when using Truugo

Current number of issues

Issues per day The average number of issues per day.
Issues per month The average number of issues per month

Work time spent per issue

Locating an issue Number of minutes spent on average for detecting and locating an issue.
Reporting an issue Number of minutes spent on average for reporting an issue. This often takes longer than expected. Consider tracking the time spent writing down the issue, providing explanations, recommending actions, and so on.
Further clarifications Number of minutes spent on average for clarifying a reported issue. This includes for example further emails, web meetings and iterations.
Fixing an issue Number of minutes spent on average for fixing an issue. Often data is invalid but sometimes the processing logic must be fine-tuned. The fix itself might take just a minute but usually it takes much more time to decide the required action.

Current time and cost per month

Total work hours Total work hours = issues per month * work time spent per issue
Cost per work hour The average cost per work hour including side costs (1.5 * hourly wage).
Total cost

Savings per month using Truugo

Issues fully omitted % The combination of test automation and detailed test reporting, helps to detect also less frequent issues before the production phase.
Time saved per issues % User-friendly Truugo validation enables faster error detection and reporting. Sensible test reports minimize need for further clarifications and time spent on fixing issues.
Saved work hours
Total savings
per month