Pricing for API Queries

Integrate Truugo features to your existing tools and processes using API

The following table displayes the number of credits charged per API query, with the price per API query dependent on the chosen monthly quota. To learn more about each query type, please check the API reference (Swagger UI).

API EndpointCredits / QueryPrice / QueryEst. Queries *
Validator API
listProfiles 0.01
getStatus 0.10
storeStatus30D 0.15
storeStatus60D 0.20
getFeedback 0.70
getReport 1.00
storeReport7D 1.50
storeReport14D 1.75
storeReport30D 2.00
Schematron API
listItems 0.01
listItemVersions 0.01
validate 0.10 0.004/KB
checkSyntax 0.05 0.005/KB
toXML 0.10 0.01/KB
toJSON 0.10 0.01/KB
getBrowser 0.50 0.025/KB
getDocumentedSample 3.00 0.15/KB

* If all the credits were used on queries to a single API endpoint.

Pricing example

A company needs to implement quality assurance for 2000 files per month. On average, 3% (60) of these files contain errors that require review, and 10% (6) of the test reports needs be stored for further analysis.

2000 x get-status 2000 * 0.10 = 200 creditsto validate the files
60 x get-report 60 * 1.00 = 60 creditsto get test reports of the invalid files
6 x store-report-30-d 6 * 2.00 = 12 creditsto store the test reports for further analysis (30 days)

In total, 272 test credits are required for this use case. If the monthly quota includes 250 test credits, then 22 extra credits are needed.


More information about each API service: Validation API, Schematron API, EDIFACT API

Please contact us if you have any questions.

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