Service overview
Reliability into b2b data interchange
Process simulation can be used ensure that the processing flow works as expected. Content validation can be easily combined into simulation logic using Truugo API.
Content validation in the simulation process
You can simulate the data interchange process by implementing a simple application that receives a message and returns an appropriate response message. For example, you can decide on a response to an order message in the following way: If Truugo validation states that a message is valid, an order response message will be returned, and otherwise, a technical application response message with appropriate feedback.

Simulator implementation
A simulator is straightforward to implement - at its simplest. It needs two parameters to identify the use case (Send Order) and a test scenario ("Receive Order Response" or "Receive Invoice"). In addition, a simulator needs a switch to decide which response message it will return in each case. You can use the Truugo test status (Failed/Passed) as an input parameter for a decision rule to select the response message.
Response messages are an essential part of a simulator's operation. You can reach a straightforward solution using XSL transformations and a bunch of default values and case-specific XML data files.
Implement yourself or order from us
You can implement a simulator based on the Truugo validation service by acquiring access to Truugo API.